Paularo and the Valley "Val d'Incarojo"

A Valley in the Center of Europe

Like an amphitheatre, the mountain ranges of Zermula, Cuestalta, Serenat and Tersadia enclose the head of the valley, and the village of Paularo lies at its centre as if on a stage. Coming from the main valley, the valley floor rises slightly towards the main village of Paularo, vast forests and wide alpine pastures are the transition to gentle mountain ridges and rugged limestone walls that face each other in a very narrow space.

In the Val d’Incarojo there are numerous possibilities of all levels of difficulty for hiking, climbing, mountain biking, as well as winter hiking, snowshoeing and ski touring.

General information

Paularo, height above sea level: 648 m
Highest point: Spicca la Creta di Aip (2.279 m)
Resident population in the municipality: 2.457 (Dec. 2019)


  • Chiaulis
  • Trelli
  • Salino
  • Lambrugno
  • Castoia
  • Tavella
  • Dierico
  • Casaso
  • Misincinis
  • Villamezzo
  • Villafuori
  • Ravinis
  • Rio
  • Cogliat

Mountain Groups

  • Gruppo della Creta di
  • Gruppo del Monte Paularo
  • Gruppo del Cuestalta e del Lodin
  • Gruppo del Serenat
  • Gruppo del Tersadia
  • Gruppo delle Montagne
    del Passo Cason di Lanza

Main peaks

  • Spicca la Creta di Aip (2.279 m)
  • Cuestalta (2.198 m)
  • Hochwipfel (2.195 m)
  • Monte Sernio (2.187 m)
  • Monte Zermula (2.143 m)
  • Creta di Lanza (2.057 m)
  • Monte Paularo (2.043 m)
  • Monte Dimon (2.043 m)
  • Monte Lodin (2.015 m)