Ustaria La Stalla

Where sheep used to spend the winter, the Clalüna family has built a Besenbeiz. Marianne Clalüna and her husband Fredi have been running the broom restaurant Ustaria La Stalla since 2015. In addition to products from their own farm, it is possible to stay overnight on the farm in summer.

In addition to the restaurant, there are also rooms with beds or a camping site. There are goats, sheep, chickens, alpacas, cats and pot-bellied pigs to discover, as well as a playground. You can find more information here

  • Agrotourism
  • Simple and rustic accommodation
  • Meeting place for locals and tourists
  • Ideal for family celebrations

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Ustaria La Stalla
Marianna Clalüna

Sassagl 181, 7546 Ardez

Tel. 081 862 25 55