Ladin Museum Ciastel de Tor

The history of the over 30,000 Ladins in the Dolomites is revealed in the Ciastel de Tor/ Thurn Castle, where visitors can gain a fantastic insight into the history, language, culture, legends, archaeology, geology, tourism and crafts of the Ladin people.

Torstr. 65, 39030 St. Martin in Thurn
Tel.: +39 0474 524 020

Ciastel de Tor/Castle Thurn is inseparable from the history of Lungiarü. Given that the Bishopric of Brixen was both the landowner and judge of the “Thurn an der Gader” court, the Campill Valley was also subject to its jurisdiction. The possession and assets were administrated by the episcopal clerk of the Ciastel de Tor/Schloss Thurn court.

The castle is located on a small hill above San Martin de Tor/St. Martin in Thurn and is held to be the most historic, symbolic building in the Gadertal Valley. The castle complex, formerly the administrative centre of the Court, dates back to the 12th century, and its history is revealed through a variety of Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque and modern features. Upon secularisation in 1803, the castle fell under the private ownership of two farming families from St. Martin, and their descendants continued to live there until the year 2000. The entire castle was purchased by the Province of South Tyrol in 1997, and today it houses the Ladin Museum, the regional museum for the culture and history of the Ladin ethnic group.

Micurá de Rü Ladin Cultural Institute

The Micurá de Rü Ladin Cultural Institute is a valuable information point for all those who would like to find out more about the Ladin language. The specialised library houses a comprehensive collection of books in the Ladin language and books related to Ladinia in other languages.

Str. Stufles 20, 39030 St. Martin in Thurn
Tel.: + 39 0474 523 110

Children’s books, DVDs and fiction in several languages can also be borrowed.

Carving course in Lungiarü with Hubert Pezzei

During the carving workshop with sculptor Hubert Pezzei, adults and children can create works of art in wood and take the results home with them. There are no limits to creativity when it comes to trying your hand at this ancient craft during a beginners’ course. Courses are held every Friday during the summer and on request in winter.

Information and booking: see under partner companies textileRef:187615863367ba08ba2300f:linkStartMarker:”„
Hubert Pezzei Wood Carvings“”:2522-1-Hubert-Pezzei-Wood-Carvings-.html.

Fanes-Sennes-Prags Nature Park Visitor Centre

For visitors, the Nature Park Visitor Centre in St. Vigil in Enneberg is an open window to the Fanes-Sennes-Prags Nature Park.

A number of exhibition areas provide detailed information on the origins of the Dolomites, the bears of the Conturine caves, the most important habitats in the Nature Park and the morphology of the protected area.

Katharina-Lanz-Str. 96, 39030 St. Vigil in Enneberg
Tel.: +39 0474 506 120

There is also a children’s corner with toys and craft materials.

City of Bruneck

The medieval town of Bruneck boasts a wide variety of attractions. The historic Stadtgasse is one of the most beautiful shopping streets in South Tyrol and a wonderful destination for a shopping spree.

Bruneck Tourist Association
Rathausplatz 739031 Bruneck
Tel.: +39 0474 555 722

Towering above the city you will see Bruneck Castle, opened as a museum by mountaineer Reinhold Messner: The MMM Ripa, which features exhibits from a variety of hill tribes throughout the world.

Bruneck Climbing Centre

The climbing center in Bruneck is the perfect place to practice sport climbing, and both beginners and professionals will find suitable climbing routes and bouldering areas. Climbing equipment can also be rented at the centre.

AVS section Bruneck
Josef-Ferrari-Straße 36, 39031 Bruneck
Tel.: +39 0474 055 005